
Friday, June 25, 2010

Freebie Fridays: Grail Lady Faire

Freebie Fridays is a weekly post I do about free offers, giveaways, contests and prizes.

This week I present...

The Grail Lady Faire!

For Women Who Care About Their Planet

June 27 to July 4

"The Enlightened Woodstock for Women"

Imagine a gathering of women dedicated to healing our planet. This event is being hosted by Grail Springs and is available to women ages 15-25 for FREE!  Grail Springs is a spiritual retreat in Bancroft Ontario located north of Toronto nestled within the beautiful forests of northern Ontario. The retreat has a beautiful curative alkaline based spring lake and a stone labyrinth. The 7 days include workshops, keynote speakers, music, shopping and an opportunity for networking and connecting with other women that want to make a difference.

For more information check out their website

1 comment:

  1. This looks very interesting. I can't find any prices though.
